Oxford Baptist Church is committed to the Great Commission. We understand Jesus as the sole provider for salvation for all mankind. We understand our existence as a people on mission with God to secure His praise and glory in all the world. We have as our desire to be a going church as well as a sending church.
Regularly we engage in local outreach that we call Love Oxford. We fulfill the Great Commission through going into our community to share the good news of new life in Christ through servant evangelism projects. Over 80% of our county is unchurched, we see it as God’s providence and entrustment that He has placed us here to share hope in our community.
Though America is surrounded by Christian churches there are many areas filled with people who have never heard the life altering message of Jesus coming to save. Oxford’s desire is to strengthen our nation through strengthening local churches all across North America.
Christ commanded that we go into all the world and make disciples. The gospel was not first proclaimed in Oxford, GA. The gospel has reached from the corners of the earth to Oxford. We see it as our stewardship responsibility, in obedience to His command, to take the gospel to as many people as possible, as clearly as possible, and as quickly as possible.