The Oxford Guide
What should I expect? What kind of preaching? What kind of worship? If you have questions about Oxford Baptist Church this section is designed for you. If after reading you still can’t find what you are looking for feel free to call us or send us a message:Contact Us
We love Jesus, we worship Him, we want to know Him, and we want the world to join in our praise to Him. In order to know Him we have to look at what He has said about Himself in His word. At Oxford we believe Scripture is our authority. Read our confessional statement here.
We value the public proclamation of Scripture. We preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. That means that you might hear messages about how to be a better parent, or how to have a better marriage, and how to have a more fulfilling life, but you will hear every message centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe and preach that without Jesus nothing in the world matters. True fulfillment is only found in Him. Jesus is the hero of every message you will hear preached at Oxford Baptist Church.
Preaching is an act of worship. We believe this because Scripture say, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17)
Our entire service is a worship service. So from 10:45a until 12:00p we desire for you to be engaged in worship. Worship in the Bible is always a response. We gather each week to respond to the God who has redeemed us and is redeeming us in Christ. We have several elements to our worship all of which are centered on the gospel.
At Oxford Baptist Church we have built our children’s ministry around one idea: Jesus is the hero. Our desire is to get your children excited about Jesus, His Word, and serving Him. Each week our kids meet for small group time and then have their own worship during the regular morning worship time. These times are used to nurture your child in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We pray the Word of God and we pray the gospel. We understand prayer as an expression of our longing for communion with God and an expression of our relationship with Him.
The music style of Oxford Baptist Church is blended. We sing ancient, old, contemporary, and modern songs and hymns. We have a choir that sings and a praise band that plays. Music style is not the focus of Oxford Baptist Church, the gospel is. That means that we sing Scripture and the gospel in a range of styles.

During the service we invite you to respond to God through giving of your tithes and offerings. Remember worship is a response. God doesn’t need your money. All that we have is His and as such He desires all that you are. God wants your heart, your time, your treasure. By giving generously to Him we confess that all that we have belongs to Him. There is no pressure to give. We use 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 as a model.
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly shall reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

The whole point of the worship service from prayer to preaching is to engage you with the gospel of Jesus Christ and apply it to your everyday life.